FRIENDS: I hope you enjoyed this website. I would love to hear from you. If you have a question, or if you have a story to tell, leave a comment here. For the benefit of all, I usually respond here.
Or, you can send an email to me:
stepdancesue at gmail dot com.
Find The Crankie Factory on Facebook and You Tube. I post a lot of crankie things on INSTAGRAM SueTruman1015. And by all means MAKE A CRANKIE! Thank you!
Written by
Glen on
Oct. 30, 2022
Hi Anyone sell Crankies?
Written by
Lucky Platt on
Sep. 22, 2022
Hi Sue, I'd love to connect with you, your site is a wonderful resource, and I'm loving your Instagram feed too. Big fan here in Maine! Also I'm writing because next summer (August 13-19, 2023) I'm facilitating a crankie workshop in Rockland, ME at Maine
Media Workshops and I have this dream of bringing crankie artists from far and wide for a week of creating together. Let's talk! -Lucky
Written by
Suzanne on
Jul. 18, 2022
Thank you for presenting this lovely information!
My mother used to mimic someone she had heard exclaim, "It's a moving panorama!" She is gone now & as I enjoy your site, I'm wondering, if you might know if this line might have been
from a film. Any idea?
Written by
Thomas Lee on
Jun. 16, 2022
So fun to tumble upon your website!
I'm researching Harriet Beecher Stowes trip to England in 1853. Her brother Charles kept a journal and record when they arrived in Glasgow "Henry Box Brown is here and has grown rich on ghis panorama
of 'Uncle Tom.'
Written by
Jaoqueline Bell on
Jun. 9, 2022
We sure would love one of these at the Sam Houston State Historic Site/ Sam Houston Historic Schoolhouse in Maryville Tennessee. It would be so lovely for children on field trips. I saw you guys on TikTok and was amazed! Thank you for your hard work.
Written by
Sue Truman on
May. 8, 2022
To Richard Douglas: Thank you for the note!!!How exciting! I would love to see the you tube about the 1853 Niagara Falls moving panorama. I copy/pasted the you tube link but was unable to see it on YouTube. I will send you an email and maybe you could
email the link? Thank you much❤️❤️❤️
Written by
Richard Douglas on
May. 8, 2022
Hi Sue,
I've posted a video you and your audience may enjoy. It's about Godfrey Frankenstein's epic moving panorama of Niagara Falls that premiered on Broadway in 1853.
Written by
Sue Truman on
Apr. 4, 2022
TO CARRIE GRAVES: Hello and thank you for asking! Yes, please feel free to use the “welcome” crankie picture with the crow. Have a wonderful event!! Sue
Written by
Carrie Graves on
Apr. 4, 2022
Hi, Sue, I am seeking permission to use one of your photos, with credit, on a website. The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland is hosting the General Convention of the worldwide Episcopal Church in Baltimore this summer. One of the offerings during that time
is a crankie show. Your picture of the Welcome with what could easily be Baltimore Ravens would be perfect for us to represent the event. There are not a lot of crankie photos available for use out there and we would greatly appreciate being able to use the
Written by
Sue Truman on
Jan. 17, 2022
TO LAURIE B: That’s wonderful!! So glad that you will be at the matchbox crankie workshop on Feb.19th! I am excited about it! Let me know if you have questions between now and then. Thank you!
Written by
Laurie B on
Jan. 17, 2022
Hello, I just viewed your wonderful video on the Folklore Village site. I am very enthused about attempting to make a small, simple crankie. Your enthusiasm inspired me, and your straightforward teaching style removed any fear I had about giving this a
try. Thanks for a winter challenge.
Written by
Sue Truman on
Jan. 4, 2022
TO TOBY CANN: You are so kind, thank you so much for the nice message. Have a wonderful evening.❤️❤️ Sue Truman
Written by
Tob on
Jan. 3, 2022
Fabulous. Inspiring and such imaginative storytelling- I can't tell you how wonderful this was to stumble upon. Thank you.
Written by
Sue Truman on
Nov. 23, 2021
TO ELLIE: Part III I see you are a gifted painter. The Tyvek is very tricky to paint on because you are essentially painting on plastic. Fine detail is hard to get, that is why I use the silhouette images. Best of luck and feel free to ask more questions.
Written by
Sue Truman on
Nov. 23, 2021
TO ELLIE KIRBY: Part II I use a Cameo Silhouette machine and also hand cut white Tyvek images which are sponge painted with watercolors. I glue those to a white Tyvek scroll that I have also sponge painted with watercolors. I use Aqua glue or Elmer’s
washable school glue, which both remain flexible after drying. Stay away from glues that dry hard and may crack as the scroll is roiled up and unrolled.